Sunday, May 15, 2011

Another Tough One!

You know how some days you get the bear and other days the bear gets you?  Well, today belonged to the bear.  Every room in the inn, three of the four cottages and the guest house were rented last night and all the guests left this morning.   That's a lot of work for the housekeeping staff.  Plus there were the complications: mis-labeled sheets, a damaged bedspread, a chair with a broken leg, not enough king-size sheets.  We finished just before 1:00, too tired for an afternoon hike or run .  

Our (small) refrigerator is so full of Bountiful Basket produce that putting anything into or taking anything out of it involves inordinate juggling and rearranging.  I found a casserole recipe calling for artichokes, onions,  and tomatoes--a wonderful way to clear some space in the fridge, I thought.  What in the world inspired me to peel and chop all nine apples for apple crisp after the time and effort of assembling the casserole?  Long story short, we had a good but labor-intensive dinner.  And I gave the other two artichokes to our fellow work-kampers.

Here's hoping tomorrow will be a better day!

Tough Saturday

Glad that's over!  Yesterday was a tough one.  We had a lot of rooms to do and one waited until 11 AM, the official check-out time, to leave.  In the interim, the room next door changed the hang-tag from "Please Do Not Disturb" to "Please Service Room".

 At 1:45 we went to the fire house to collect our Bountiful Baskets.  What a nice surprise!   Two laundry baskets of fresh produce: mangoes, artichokes, apples, blackberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, onions, cantaloupe, pineapple, romaine lettuce.  It was challenging to find places to store so much food in our limited space.

At 2:45 we went back to the inn for check-in duty until 8...8:30...or possibly 9:00, depending on when the people arrived.  It was supposed to be an easy shift with only one check-in.  True, there was only one on the books but there were three telephone reservations and one walk-in.  While Fred manned the phone, I unloaded the two dishwashers and did our laundry.  The check-in came at 7:45 and received a very warm welcome.

Their appearance released us to drag our tired, hungry selves to the RV.  We had a fresh salad and delicious corn-on-the-cob for dinner, a bit of TV and an early bed-time.  Today will be another hard one--all the rooms and most of the cottages need to be cleaned.