Saturday, July 9, 2011


Those six days on duty while the owners attended their family reunion earned us a third day off this week:   Wednesday, Thursday and Friday--the days our friends John and Dorothy and their friends Vernon and Mary were here to hike in Bryce and other favorite destinations.

Fred selected trails for the group which showcased the variety of the features and topography and climate of this area.  Everyone claimed to enjoy the hikes in Bryce Canyon and Willis Creek slot canyon (especially afterwards!) and we enjoyed their company.  
Our Group in Willis Creek Slot Canyon

Jan, Dorothy and John at Queens Garden,
Bryce Canyon National Park

Unfortunately, Vernon aggravated a previous ankle injury; he and Mary decided to drive to Zion on Friday instead of joining us for a hike at Kodachrome State Park.  After doing the Shakespeare Arch loop, John and Dorothy wanted to see Mossy Cave and the waterfall, as per Dixie's recommendation.  (The waterfall was more robust and hence, more attractive, than when we'd seen it two months ago when merely a trickle of water passed over it.) 

Jan, Dorothy and John on Slickrock Section of Shakespear Arch Trail,
Kodachrome Basin State Park

After the hike, we said good-bye to them in the parking lot even though we both headed west--they were bound for Zion and we for the Indian store.  Five minutes after leaving Mossy Cave, we were up on the plateau watching the clouds grow ominiously darker and more threatening by the second.  Suddenly, sheets of rain rocked the Jeep, tremendous lightning bolts split the sky and thunder exploded above us.   Then it began to hail and visibility disintegrated to zero.  We were lucky enough to be near and able to discern a parking area.  For the next 20 minutes we witnessed one of Mother Nature's most awe-inspiring spectacles--lightning flashed all around us, thunder crashed overhead, rain came waves and hail covered the ground.

It seemed the storm was moving away so I asked Fred to drive me to the little building housing the pit toilets.  No sooner had I entered the ladies room than it lit up and shook as if a bomb had detonated.   Fred saw lightning strike a small pine tree about 100' away.   A  fireball appeared at its base and branches flew off the tree into the air.  Very scary!! 

We postponed the jaunt to the Indian store and came home to learn that Tropic had gotten a light shower but none of the drama we'd experienced only a few miles away.