Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Settling In and Smoothing Out

We have acquired or located most of the necessities for our normal lifestyle:  water and heat, internet, phone, a P.O. box, a small grocery store and gas station. 

We put up a small bird feeder on the far side of the RV.  Only a few birds have discovered it so far, a black-headed grosbeak (beautiful!) and some small, drab wren-like birds.

 And our job duties are coalescing into a rough routine.  Don't take that to mean our work is easy!  Making up big beds with no wrinkles and tightly tucked covers and cleaning large jacuzzi tubs and tile bathrooms requires strength and stamina plus  a sharp eye to spot every speck of dust, every piece of lint and to make sure everything is 'just so.'

The amount of work, hence the length of our workday, is dependent on the number of guests leaving that day.  Very few guests left on Saturday so we finished by 10:30 (yay!).  On Sunday, five rooms and three cottages were vacated and we worked until 1:30 (boo!).  Yesterday was moderate (3 rooms, 2 services and two cottages), today will be heavy.  I prefer not knowing that a 'bad' day is lurking ahead on the calendar--I'd rather show up and do what needs to be done without dreading it in advance.

We're excited about being off Wednesday and Thursday.  We want to do Bryce's Fairy Land trail tomorrow and possibly a slot canyon the following day.   The weather is supposed to be ideal for hiking--partly sunny and upper 60s/ low 70s.  Expect another batch of pictures...