Sunday, May 15, 2011

Tough Saturday

Glad that's over!  Yesterday was a tough one.  We had a lot of rooms to do and one waited until 11 AM, the official check-out time, to leave.  In the interim, the room next door changed the hang-tag from "Please Do Not Disturb" to "Please Service Room".

 At 1:45 we went to the fire house to collect our Bountiful Baskets.  What a nice surprise!   Two laundry baskets of fresh produce: mangoes, artichokes, apples, blackberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, onions, cantaloupe, pineapple, romaine lettuce.  It was challenging to find places to store so much food in our limited space.

At 2:45 we went back to the inn for check-in duty until 8...8:30...or possibly 9:00, depending on when the people arrived.  It was supposed to be an easy shift with only one check-in.  True, there was only one on the books but there were three telephone reservations and one walk-in.  While Fred manned the phone, I unloaded the two dishwashers and did our laundry.  The check-in came at 7:45 and received a very warm welcome.

Their appearance released us to drag our tired, hungry selves to the RV.  We had a fresh salad and delicious corn-on-the-cob for dinner, a bit of TV and an early bed-time.  Today will be another hard one--all the rooms and most of the cottages need to be cleaned.

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