Saturday, July 2, 2011

We Get the Point!

Actually, that should be:  We Got TO the Point!

Last Friday we were unable to reach Powell Point because, as a hiker told us,  the jeep road was impassable.  Without sufficient water for the 4.5 hour walk to the point and back, we decided to try at a later time.

Yesterday was a make-up day off and seemed a good time to attempt Powell Point again.  This time we took our mountain bikes, lunch and plenty of water.  Mountain biking was the ideal way to go!  Walking would have been too long, too exposed and too boring; jeeping would have been impossible due to deep mudholes and fallen trees.  The road was just pure fun to ride: dips, turns, hills, roots and rocks but nothing requiring technical moves.

About half a mile from the end, the trail became narrow, exposed and climbed steeply--too dangerous to ride.  We left the bikes and walked through a sparse forest of ancient, twisted bristlecone pines interspered with a few hardy stunted wildflowers to the terminus.  There, one stands 10,188 feet above sea level, at the very edge of one of the 'steps' which compose the Grand Staircase.  On a clear day, one can see more than 135 miles--according to the guidebooks.  Unfortunately, yesterday was rather hazy and distant vistas were quite indistinct.

On the summit we talked with the hiker we'd passed on the road.  He has explored the area extensively over a number of years and gave us his recommendations for 'must-do' hikes.

Despite the beauty of the scenery and the exhilaration of the trail, we were very happy to see our little white Jeep on the side of the road.  But even though the ride was over, we still had that 30 mile drive back to the RV.   A fun but tiring day!!

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