Sunday, June 19, 2011

First Bad Day

The weather has been wonderful for at least a month--cool mornings warming to comfortable afternoons with temps in the mid- to upper-70s with a refreshing breeze.  Nights are calm and chilly (upper 30s, low 40s). 

 Last night thunder rumbled frequently on the plateau above us but we had no rain or lightning.  (I'd like to see a lightning show in these open spaces and clear skies!)  This morning was colder than normal and never warmed.  Short-lived rain showers sprint through with grey clouds and sunshine leapfrogging each other across the sky.  The wind picked up about an hour ago and rocks the RV like a cradle. 

Too bad the outdoors is so inhospitable today because we finished early and have some energy as well as some free time!  We are off tomorrow, though, and the forecast is good.  We'll need an R&R day because the owners and their daughter and son-in-law begin a week's vacation on Tuesday.  That leaves the two work-kamper couples to do the work of 8.

Several times during the week we've taken a pre-dinner walk from the inn into and around Tropic.  Although the route has been the same, it's been a different 'trip' each time.  On our first excursion, a strange-looking but very self-confident dog returned with us.  He probably would have stayed with us all the way to the RV but Pete, the owners' dog, chased him off.  On Friday, a pathetic little kitten followed us for more than a mile!  We last saw him in the front yard of a house that looked as though another cat might not be noticed.  Yesterday a sweet, very fat yellow Lab joined us for several blocks but remained in the park when we left.  On the far side of the park, Bandit (the self-confident dog) walked with us until a beagle came along.

Finding animals in Tropic is easy.  Few dogs are tied up or fenced in, cats roam at will.  Many residents keep chickens, sheep and horses on their property.  A woman phoned the inn to report that Angie's (another of the owners' daughters) cow had gotten out and was in her yard.

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